ALL Cons.Cons provides forums for promoting strategies for collaborative research directed towards real practical problem solving in the construction industry, which are of direct benefits to the quality of our services, cost effectiveness, competitiveness etc. in the construction industry. The purpose of our networking is also to create direct link between clients, stakeholders, academia, industries and All Cons.Cons research groups to venture into research activities that will be of benefit to all partners involve . It will as well enable the company to get feedback from our clients and the public on the nature of our services to access our strength and weaknesses. This would enable us to establish our priorities, approval of research and subsequent flow of benefits. Our interest areas include innovations to enhance sustainable construction, energy efficiency in buildings, Cost effectiveness, risk & quality , Health & Safety ,Water & Sanitation, alternative indigenous material and other areas of concern that would be of interest between Allconscons. and our research partners both locally and internationally.